
All event times are displayed based on America/Los_Angeles timezone.
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 22 Feb, 10:00 AM
The Squirrel Rehabilitation class will be equal parts learning about squirrels, our squirrel rehabbing program, and a glimpse into what…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 22 Feb, 01:00 PM
The rabbit class has a basic overview of rehabbing and the requirements involved (housing requirements for the rabbits and the…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sun, 23 Feb, 10:00 AM
This class will introduce new volunteers to our organization by explaining our mission and goals, and why we have a…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sun, 23 Feb, 01:00 PM
This class will focus on enhancing our skills and knowledge of the songbirds we receive at the BBN and how…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 01 Mar, 10:00 AM
This class will go over the natural history of each species. Also, give you an overview of the SWR requirements…
Doves & Pigeon Rehab
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 01 Mar, 01:00 PM
“I will show you my pigeons! Which is the greatest treat, in my opinion, which can be offered to [a]…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sun, 02 Mar, 10:00 AM
This class will focus on enhancing our skills and knowledge of the songbirds we receive at the BBN and how…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sun, 02 Mar, 01:00 PM
This class will introduce new volunteers to our organization by explaining our mission and goals, and why we have a…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 08 Mar, 10:00 AM
Everyone can enjoy and protect wildlife where they live, learn, work, and play. Creating a wildlife habitat garden to attract…
Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Sat, 08 Mar, 10:00 AM
Come learn about one of wildlife’s most under-appreciated critters! Whether you’re interested in helping rehab baby skunks or just want…